Category: Latest
These are the latest updates from Voice Arts. You can filter our posts by tag to find posts on the topics you’re interested in:
Multi-ethnic Mothers
Age on Stage
They have spent 12 months discovering the joy of playing together and now they are preparing to perform for you. Two of our Third Act classes are bringing their stories to the stage at the NZ Fringe Festival in March 2020.
Playing in Japan
Sharing our knowledge and passion for applied improvisation and applied theatre in Japan. Our Director, Nicola Pauling, presenting a lecture and workshop at Tsukuba University, Tokyo.
Third Act on RNZ
Third Act on National Radio. Take a listen to hear more about the success of our programme of improv for the over 70’s.
Learning through Play
Playing with language is learning language. Our weekly classes for former refugees and new migrants at MClass are a huge hit. Learning, connecting and developing.
Third Act
Improv with the over 70’s in partnership with Ryman Heathcare. An initiative approach to the wellbeing of our older people. This programme is running in a number of villages across Wellington.
Podcast Interview with our Director
Listen to this interview with Nicola Pauling and discover her passion for applied improv, applied theatre and community development.
Sharing our Kaupapa
In recent months we’ve been busy speaking about the why, how and who of our work. We co-presented with the Department of Corrections at a youth development conference in Wellington and at drama in education conference in Auckland. It’s a privilege to share our passion for the work and to explain its success.
Language learning through adaptive Improv
Improv and theatre based play activities are an active and joyful way to learn language and to understand culture and society. With this project we are at play with refugee background and new migrant students at two high schools in Wellington. Participation is effortless, joyful and developmental!